Ready to join the Pinehurst Business Partners?

Annual Membership Dues: $150.00
Calendar year 1/1 – 12/31

As a member of Pinehurst Business Partners I acknowledge and understand that the PBP demands a 100% “positive attitude” in its operations, a Victorious Spirit – our perpetual goal is to see and hear the “cash register bells ring” for all our members.

The brand name and the place called Pinehurst is one of the most revered and respected in all the world – This legacy has been passed down to us in the present for over a century and it is our obligation as a business community to live by it, protect it, and pass it along to those who will follow in our footsteps.

Membership in Pinehurst Business Partners is open to all businesses within the Village of Pinehurst plus businesses throughout Moore County, North Carolina.

Our name includes the meaningful word “Partners”

—The fulfillment of that word is essential to our organization —
We will practice the ancient philosophy of the Zulu tribe known as “Ubunto”—“I am what I am because of what we all are”. As a member of PBP we commit to always be positive, always be a team player, always support our fellow business “partners”, and, ALWAYS strive to provide the highest level of services to our customers who demand and command the best from this place called “Pinehurst”!

Ready to join the Pinehurst Business Partners?

Pinehurst Business Partners
Post Office Box 64
Pinehurst, NC 28370
Victorious Spirit